Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Koins for Kenya is beginning right now! Keep your eyes open for the coin canisters (tubes) with pictures of Africa on them. They are going to be all over Baylor's campus. All coins collected will go toward fundraising for the General Ministry team!

Fundraising Update 2/26/07

As of Monday, 2/26/07, we have raised $3,500. This is about 10% of our total goal.

Keep up the great work, team - and those of you at home... keep up the prayers!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pics of the team

We had our second team meeting today. It was great fun and I (Tiffani) am getting more and more excited as the days go by!

Above are some pictures of our group from the meeting tonight. We are missing two people in this photo - Audrey and Chelsea.


Monday, February 19, 2007


Here are a couple pics of Marquette Bugg and I, the coleaders of the Gen. Min. team. Pics of team members to come!

2-19-07 Fundraising Update

The official fundraising total for the team today is: $2,575.

Each team member has put $500 toward their own fundraising, which leaves about $2,400 per person which must be raised by team funraising events and the sponsorship of their home and school communities.

Our goal is to raise $36,000 so that our entire group can go to Kenya.

As of 2/19/07 we are at 7% of our goal.

KENYA!!!!!!!! Help us go!

Hi friends!!!

Beginning today (February 20th, 2007), this is one way that you can find out about our upcoming trip to Kenya in May of 2007.

The team consists of 15 undergraduates from Baylor University, and two graduate student leaders (myself and my esteemed colleague, Marquette Bugg). We are traveling to Nairobi, Kenya to work in the urban and slum areas of the city, mostly with children.

We will be posting photos of the team members and our fundraising events as we move closer to our departure. While we are gone (or when we return) we will post our reports and photos at this site (and correstponding sites as needed).

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact me at

Thanks for your help in getting us to Kenya!
