Wednesday, March 28, 2007

3/26 Fundraising Update

Hello friends!!

Today I decided to start reporting both student payments and individual donations to students, as well as donations to the team fund.

That means that our amounts are going to be much bigger in appearance, and more accurately reflect where we are in fundraising.

Friends, thus far with your help and the faithfulness of God, we have raised: $27,795 thus far. That is 64% of our total goal! We have until April 30th to continue to receive funds.

Thanks for your generousity!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Missions Orientation and Pictures!

Hi Friends!

I've written this update twice (last night) and started it a third time... this is the fourth. I'm going to chalk it up to spiritual warfare and push through...

Yesterday we had our mission trip orientation. All the students and staff were there that are going to go on trips this summer - 140 people between Kenya, Armenia and Honduras (go to: for more information on the various trips!). It was a great day - I think that all of us are itching to go more now than ever! There were four main parts to the day.

First, the team members spent just over an hour filling out paperwork and turning in passport and visa information. It was pretty difficult actually, and most of us messed it up at least once - the key to the Kenyan passport: surname = last name, and "block letters" means CAPS! You'd be surprised how many of us made mistakes on that form at least once.... if not more times!

Next, Becky Kennedy (director for missions) gave us tips on how to travel, what to expect and what kind of attitude we should bring. Christy Correll-Hughes (GA for missions), packed pretend luggate to tell us what physical items we should and shouldn't bring.

Then, Ryan Richardson (associate director for worship and media) gave the Kenya people specifics about the country - like the size = about the same as Texas; population = way bigger than Texas; major exports = coffee; major industry = tourism, etc. Meanwhile the other teams got schooled on Armenia and Honduras. Its possible that Ryan's talk gave us as many questions as it answered!

Finally, we met together as a team, talked more about what we were going to be doing and experiencing and enjoyed each other's company (as usual).

Marquette and Tiffani have been blessed by some missionaries and pastors who live in Nairobi and our itinerary for our activities in country is almost complete. Lord willing, it will all be approved and set in stone (as much as anything like this can) by the end of this week. We are both really excited to be working with these communities in Kibera, Mitumba and Nairobi!

We are also encouraged by your prayers and financial generousity, as we continue to receive donations that are amazing and prompted completed by the Lord's moving in people's hearts as a response to prayer! Thank you for your spiritual and financial gifts on our behalf! We will have another fundraising update tomorrow.

Finally, attached are some photos taken by a mission team that went to Nairobi in January. There are a number of slide shows at the website listed below, but some that you might like to check out are: Gracia Guesthouse - where we will be staying while in Kenya, Railia and Mitumba Kids Clubs - both of which we will be visiting while there, and there are shorter slide shows with photos from Kibera and Mitumba slum (Mitumba slum is a poorer district of Kibera). There is also a slide show from the Masai Mara safari park, where we will spend our first 2 days resting off jet lag.

I hope this information and the photos are helpful as you pray for us. We are grateful!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3/13 Fundraising Update

Our fundraising total for the week of 3/14 is: $7,695. This is 23% of our total!

Thanks for your help thus far!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Meet the Team (III)

Hey everyone! My name is Audrey and I’m a freshman studying Biochemistry (Pre-med) and Political Science here in the beautiful Waco! I have one of the greatest families back in Austin, TX and they support all my aspirations to become a doctor; however, I’m the first one ever to not go to A&M University. (They still haven’t forgiven me) This semester I became involved in the American Medical Student Association, BU MEDS and Baylor Democrats (don’t hate me lol) in my attempt to stay busy. In regards to my future, I want to be an epidemiologist studying the viral epidemics in Africa, so this trip has many applications for my future! I am so excited to travel across the world and I can’t wait to grow closer to God and all of our team members! Other than that, I am a very fun-loving and outgoing individual who loves new experiences!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Meet the Team (II)

Meet: Vincent

Hey ya'll(I am from D.C., but adopted the ya'll). I am a sophomore Religion/ Political Science double major from Fairfax, Virginia, right outside of the nations capital. I am a 3rd generation Baylor student, and love Baylor for its people, and mission statement. My future plans right now include attaining a Doctorate, and going into college administration. I love the lord, and am very blessed to have a loving mother and sister. In my free time I am in Baylor Ambassadors, Club Tennis, Student Government, and I teach young'ins. Bill O'Reilly is my hero.

Meet the Team (I)

In the upcoming days you will be able to read little blurbs about each team member - and sometimes see a pic!

Here's the first bio:
My name is Derek. I am from Des Moines, Iowa. I am a freshman here at Baylor University; I’m a biology major and am enrolled in the pre-med program. I am also in the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core. During my free time, which I do not have much of, I like hanging out with my friends, watching and playing all kinds of sports. My favorite sports are hockey and college basketball or football. I am extremely excited to go to Africa and get to know everyone on our team, as well as on the other teams going on this trip.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Fundraising Update (3/5/07)

As of March 5th, 2007, our account stands at $4,975!!!!!!!!!

The University Ministry office says we are "on track"! Thank you to all those who have contributed so far and to all those who are considering contributing!!

$4,975 is 14% of our goal of $36,000!